While a wide variety of industries have taken advantage of Lean philosophy, many modern systems focus on product development. Overextended developmental cycles, unnecessary redevelopment and unnecessary costs continue to remain prime concerns for manufacturers and as such many of the more advanced lean production systems first target these issues. In product development all important involved parties on the manufacturing line come together to decide on a project plan. This plan outlines an approach intended to most effectively deliver the team’s desired outcome. Together, the team identifies product development activities to achieve this plan.
At this point in planning, most teams will break down causes of waste in the manufacturing line and identify the main source of this waste. Documentation done during this initial planning state will build the foundation for the lean development systems to be implemented during the course of refining the product development line. The intentions and success of this stage depend entirely on the team’s ability to realistically analyze the current situation.
Only through a realistic appraisal of the current situation can value be properly defined and waste properly eliminated. The final checklist of procedures and strategies to be implemented will detail improvements, personal responsibilities and corrections, along with an ideal timeline that will reflect the actual starting point from which the company will move forward and a realistic endpoint for them to arrive at. Various industry-specific lean tools are currently available, but it’s usually advised that companies interested in them undergo training in order to properly appraise their situation. For more details please contact us at www.ame.org/contact-ame .